Kenya low-cost housing developments / Project Planning Associates Ltd., 1976-1979. 1976- 1979.


Kenya low-cost housing developments / Project Planning Associates Ltd., 1976-1979. 1976- 1979.

File folder contains descriptions of the projects, which include 'Manyatta Squatter Upgrading Scheme', 'Mikindani Site and Service Scheme', 'Mathare Valley North, Site and Service Project', 'Mathare Valley, Village 1', Riruta, 'Migosi Site and Service and Upgrading Scheme', 'Bura Irrigation Project'. There are also a few b&w plan drawings.

1 file folder.


SNAC Resource ID: 7880460

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Macklin L. Hancock/Project Planning Associates Ltd. Collection. (corporateBody)

Macklin L. Hancock (OAC '49), founder of Project Planning Associates Ltd., gained international recognition as a planner and designer of large-scale development projects such as new towns and capital cities, business parks, retail and mixed-use centres, major recreational parks, university campuses, and tourist resorts. Project Planning Associates, originally formed in 1956 after the design of Don Mills in metropolitan Toronto, was structured as a multi-disciplinary organization enabling it to p...

Hancock, Macklin Leslie, 1925- (person)

Project Planning Associates (Toronto, Ont.) (corporateBody)